Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lending a Helping Hand

I fiercely admire my friend Michael. He may not be able to work, but he gives so much of himself anyway. It can't be easy.

There has been a tremendous amount of rainfall here this week...and a lot of communities are treading water, especially small towns in low lying areas. The Red Cross calls Michael, and he is there. He's able, capable, smart, and, above all, willing. He wants to be there. If he could give all of himself he would , and he would be sad that it wasn't enough.

I think with guilt of my own lack of contribution to causes like his. I can't think of a time in my recent memory that I've extended a helping hand to someone who really needed it. What's the most charitable thing I've done for someone recently? Well, Pete and I gave our moving boxes to some friends...but that took no effort...and we were happy to see the boxes go. When one of my co-workers was having a blood sugar crash, I rushed to get her some hard candy. But that's not a big important cause. I don't stand for much these days, and I wish that I did. But I don't think much of myself and I don't see much potential for anything I do to have the slightest impact.

And I look at what Michael does. And I know he despairs because he thinks the same of himself. Nothing is enough. Nothing is good enough. The world swirls by and I sit in the carriage and watch it through the closed window...without the gumption to get out and walk in the mud.

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